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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):bird/arrow/winged/day of full moon/bird or any winged animal/particular sacrificial act/taking the side of. siding with/night with the 2 days enclosing it/day with the 2 nights enclosing it/bird garuDa as one of the 18 attendants of the Sun
2|5|32|1खगे विहङ्गविहगविहङ्गमविहायसः।
2|5|34|1नीडोद्भवाः गरुत्मन्तः पित्सन्तो नभसङ्गमाः।
3|3|20|1पतङ्गौ पक्षिसूर्यौ च पूगः क्रमुकवृन्दयोः।
3|3|231|2पापापराधयोरागः खगबाल्यादिनोर्वयः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
खग (6)पुंallखगः 2|5|32|1|1air/sun/wind/bird/arrow/deity/planet/gra ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] सूर्यः - दिवाकरः - Sun
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[vk] चातकः - चातकपक्षी - Kind of bird fond of rain
[ak] सूर्यः - sun/drug/solar/new bride/swallow-wort/epithet of ziva/sun or its deity/daughter ...
[ak] बाणः - aim/arrow/reed-shaft/udder of a cow/mark for arrows/shaft made of a reed/versed ...
विहङ्ग (2)पुंallविहङ्गः 2|5|32|1|2sun/moon/bird/arrow/cloud/flying/sky-goi ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
विहग (2)पुंallविहगः 2|5|32|1|3sun/moon/bird/arrow/planet/sky-goer/part ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
विहङ्गम (2)पुंallविहङ्गमः 2|5|32|1|4sun/bird/next/flying/moving in the skyसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
विहायस् (3)पुंallविहायान् 2|5|32|1|5air/sky/bird/active/mighty/vigorous/atmo ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[ak] आकाशः - ether/vacuity/aerospace/sky or atmosphere
[ak] आकाशः - ether/vacuity/aerospace/sky or atmosphere
शकुन्ति (2)पुंallशकुन्तिः 2|5|32|2|1birdसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
पक्षिन् (2)पुंallपक्षी 2|5|32|2|2bird/arrow/winged/day of full moon/bird ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
शकुनि (2)पुंallशकुनिः 2|5|32|2|3birdसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
शकुन्त (4)पुंallशकुन्तः 2|5|32|2|4bird/blue jay/sort of insect/particular ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[vk] भासः - भासः इति पक्षिविशेषः - Kind of bird; like a Sakunta (kite ?)
[ak] भासः - bird/blue jay/sort of insect/particular bird of prey
शकुन (3)पुंallशकुनः 2|5|32|2|5bird/auspicious/kind of Brahman/indicati ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[ak] आकाशः - ether/vacuity/aerospace/sky or atmosphere
द्विज (5)पुंallद्विजः 2|5|32|2|6bird/tooth/Brahman/brAhmaNa/any Aryan/tw ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[ak] दन्तः - tooth/point/ivory/teeth/arbour/number 32/elephant's tusk/pin used in playing a l ...
[ak] ब्राह्मणः - Brahman/Brahmanical/brahmin man/Brahman in the second stage/one who has divine k ...
[ak] पक्षिसर्पाद्याः - fish/bird/snake/lizard/egg-born/God Brahman
पतत्रिन् (2)पुंallपतत्री 2|5|33|1|1bird/arrow/horse/winged/flying/feathered ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
पत्रिन् (4)पुंallपत्री 2|5|33|1|2सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[ak] श्येनः - hawk/eagle/horse/falcon/eagle-like/kind of array/any bird of prey/particular ekA ...
[ak] बाणः - aim/arrow/reed-shaft/udder of a cow/mark for arrows/shaft made of a reed/versed ...
पतग (2)पुंallपतगः 2|5|33|1|3bird/winged or flying animal/sky-flying ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
पतत् (2)पुंallपतन् 2|5|33|1|4bird/flying/falling/descendingसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
पत्ररथ (2)पुंallपत्ररथः 2|5|33|1|5सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
अण्डज (4)पुंallअण्डजः 2|5|33|1|6fish/bird/snake/lizard/egg-born/God Brah ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[ak] ब्रह्मा - god brahmA/sacred word/Brahman priest
[ak] मत्स्यः - fish/king of the/figure of a figure/12th sign of the zodiac/particular species o ...
[ak] पक्षिसर्पाद्याः - fish/bird/snake/lizard/egg-born/God Brahman
नगौकस्पुंallनगौकाः 2|5|33|2|1crow/lion/any bird/fabulous animal zarab ...सिंहादिवर्गः
वाजिन् (3)पुंallवाजी 2|5|33|2|2man/bird/hero/arrow/swift/horse/manly/po ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[ak] अश्वः - horse/archer/stallion/number seven/particular kind of lover
[ak] बाणः - aim/arrow/reed-shaft/udder of a cow/mark for arrows/shaft made of a reed/versed ...
विकिर (2)पुंallविकिरः 2|5|33|2|3scatterer/particular fire/water trickled ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
विपुंallविः 2|5|33|2|4सिंहादिवर्गः
विष्किर (2)पुंallविष्किरः 2|5|33|2|5any bird/scatterer/particular fire/galli ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] मयूरः - मयूरः इति पक्षिविशेषः - Peacock
पतत्रि (2)पुंallपतत्रिः 2|5|33|2|6birdसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
नीडोद्भव (2)पुंallनीडोद्भवः 2|5|34|1|1सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
गरुत्मत् (3)पुंallगरुत्मान् 2|5|34|1|2bird/winged/bird garuDaसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] गरुडः - विनतागर्भजातः काश्यपात्मजः पक्षिविशेषः- विष्णुवाहनः - Vehicle of Viṣṇu
[ak] गरुडः - building shaped like garuDa
पित्सन्त्पुंallपित्सन्त् 2|5|34|1|3सिंहादिवर्गः
नभसङ्गम (2)पुंallनभसङ्गमः 2|5|34|1|4bird/sky-goerसिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
पतङ्ग (5)पुंallपतङ्गः 3|3|20|1|1sun/bee/bird/moth/spark/horse/Flier/flyi ...नानार्थवर्गः
[vk] पक्षी - खगः - Bird
[vk] पतङ्गः - पतङ्गः इति क्षुद्रपक्षिविशेषः - Moth grasshopper
[ak] सूर्यः - sun/drug/solar/new bride/swallow-wort/epithet of ziva/sun or its deity/daughter ...
[ak] पतङ्गः - sun/bee/bird/moth/spark/horse/Flier/flying/grasshopper/flying thing/species of r ...
वयस् (2)नपुंallवयः 3|3|231|2|2web/crow/bird/meal/kind/food/power/youth ...नानार्थवर्गः
[ak] बाल्यादिः - web/crow/bird/meal/kind/food/power/youth/might/degree/energy/health/vigour/stren ...
Outgoing Relations:
Incoming Relations:
[ak]अण्डम् shoe/muscle/sheath/scabbard/blown bud/spikenard/peel or rind/kind of drum/egg of ... --[अवयव_अवयवीसंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]अशुभपक्षिभेदः worm/kind of partridge --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]अशुभवादिपक्षिविशेषः None --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]आडिः --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]उलूकः owl/name of a muni/name of a nAga/name of a king, name of the ulUkas --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कङ्कः heron/kind of mango/false or pretended Brahman/name assumed by yudhiSThira/man o ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कपोतः dove/frieze/pigeon/cornice/grey colour/bird in general/grey ore of antimony/spot ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कलहंसः duck/goose/excellent king/particular metre/brahma or the Supreme Spirit --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]काकः cripple/jackdaw/lame man/sectarial mark/washing the head/particular measure/impu ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कालकण्ठकः sparrow/gallinule --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]काष्ठकुट्टः None --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कुक्कुटः hen/fowl/cock/rooster/firebrand/hypocrisy/wild cock/spark of fire/small house-li ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कुररः osprey/species of eagle/fruit of karira tree [Capparis aphylla - Bot.] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]कोकिलः cuckoo/cuckoo bird/lighted coal/black cuckoo/kind of mouse/kind of snake/Kokila ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]क्रौञ्चः osprey/curlew-like/kind of curlew --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]खञ्जनः wagtail [Motacilla alba] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]गरुडः building shaped like garuDa --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]गृध्रः vulture/desirous/covetous/eager for/desirous of/desiring greedily/greedily desir ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]चक्रवाकः cakra bird --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]चटकः sparrow/sparrows --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]चातकपक्षी cAtaka bird/kind of poison --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]चाषः blue jay/sugar-cane/relating to a blue jay --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]चिल्लः blear-eyed/Bengal kite/kite [Bengal kite] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]जतुका lac/bat/cockroach --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]तैलपायिका --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षमूलम् root or articulation of a wing --[अवयव_अवयवीसंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षिगतिविशेषः taking flight/act of flying/flying forward/flown up or forward --[गुण-गुणी-भावः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षिजातिविशेषः rogue/cheat/fraud/thief/roguery/cheating/haritAla pigeon/pigeon [kind of] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षिपक्षः set/idea/part/side/tail/army/cause/party/place/troop/stead/purity/number/friend/ ... --[अवयव_अवयवीसंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षिशब्दः cry/sung/howl/cried/scream/roared/roaring/yelling/croaking --[गुण-गुणी-भावः]--> पक्षी
[ak]पक्षीणां_हन्ता fowler/murderer/life-destroyer --[उपजीव्य_उपजीवक_भावः]--> पक्षी
[ak]बकः heron/stork/crane [bird]/kind of heron or crane/little egret heron [ Ardea nivea ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]भरद्वाजपक्षी skylark --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]भासः bird/blue jay/sort of insect/particular bird of prey --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]भृङ्गः beetle/libertine/humble bee/kind of measure/species of wasp/golden vase or pitch ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]मत्स्यात्खगः crow/house/beggar/little egret heron [ Ardea nivea - Zoo. ] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]मयूरः cock/peacock/kind of gait/kind of instrument for measuring time --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]शुकः poet/parrot/flea tree [Albizia lebbeck - Bot.]/jackal's thorn plant [Ziziphus oe ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]श्येनः hawk/eagle/horse/falcon/eagle-like/kind of array/any bird of prey/particular ekA ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]सारसः moon/heron/stork/crying/calling/bird in general/kind of measure/Indian or Siberi ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
[ak]हंसः envy/swan/goose/horse/silver/malice/gander/flamingo/mountain/soul or spirit/kind ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> पक्षी
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