Pratipadika |
Linga |
Number |
Nom. Sing |
Word Ref. |
Meaning (en) |
Meaning (sk) |
Section |
Chapter |
कृष्ण (7) | पुं | all | कृष्णः |
1|5|14|1|1 | crow/evil/dark/lead/iron/black/wicked/an ... | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] विष्णुः -
आदिदेवेषु एकः - विष्णुः - Viṣṇu; One of the primeval triad |
[vk] कृष्णः -
विष्णोः कृष्णावतारः - Avatara of Visnu; as son of Vasudeva |
[vk] मुरुङ्गी -
Hyperanthera (guilandina) morunga; Tamil Karu muruṅgai |
[vk] करमर्दः -
करमर्दकवृक्षः - Karonda; Carissa carandas; Tamil Kil̤ā |
[ak] विष्णुः -
God Vishnu |
[ak] अपरपक्षः -
crow/evil/dark/lead/iron/black/wicked/antelope/antimony/dark-blue/blue vitriol/b ... |
नील (4) | पुं | all | नीलः |
1|5|14|1|2 | blue/black/sapphire/dark blue/blue colou ... | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] नीलः1 -
कुबेरस्य विशेषनिधिः - One of the nine treasures of Kubéra |
[vk] नीलः2 -
श्वेतरेखावान् अथवा श्वेतचन्द्रकःहरिणः - Deer with white stripes or with white spots |
[ak] विशेषनिधिः -
cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ... |
असित (3) | पुं | all | असितः |
1|5|14|1|3 | black/mantra/unbound/black snake/indigo ... | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] शनिः -
शनिग्रहः - Planet Saturn |
[vk] असितः -
चान्द्रमासस्य द्वितीयः पक्षः कृष्णपक्षः - Second (black) paksa of a lunar month |
श्याम (3) | पुं | all | श्यामः |
1|5|14|1|4 | dark/sable/black/cloud/dark blue/black b ... | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] पीलुः -
Careya arborea; Tamil Ūvakkāy |
[ak] हरितवर्णः -
green/made of flame of the forest tree/flame of the forest [Butea Frondosa - Bo ... |
काल (5) | पुं | all | कालः |
1|5|14|1|5 | era/black/tense [grammar] | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] यमः -
यमदेवः - God of death |
[vk] कालः -
समयः - Time |
[ak] यमः -
crow/twin/curb/rein/Pluto/fellow/bridle/driver/bad horse/restraint/twin-born/cha ... |
[ak] समयः -
law/rule/time/case/sign/hint/limit/order/terms/season/speech/treaty/ordeal/prece ... |
श्यामल | पुं | all | श्यामलः |
1|5|14|1|6 | black/kind of bee/black pepper/dark colo ... | | | धीवर्गः |
मेचक (3) | पुं | all | मेचकः |
1|5|14|1|7 | teat/black/cloud/smoke/nipple/dark-blue/ ... | | | धीवर्गः |
[vk] बर्हचन्द्रकः -
मयूरचन्द्रकः - Eye of a peacock's tail |
[ak] पिच्छस्थचन्द्राकृतिः -
moon/finger-nail/eye in a peacock's tail/spot similar to the moon/circle or ring ... |
शिति (2) | पुं | all | शितिः |
3|3|83|1|1 | black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birc ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] शुल्कवर्णः -
black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birch tree |
शिति (2) | स्त्री | all | शितिः |
3|3|83|1|1 | black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birc ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] शुल्कवर्णः -
black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birch tree |
शिति (2) | नपुं | all | शिति |
3|3|83|1|1 | black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birc ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] शुल्कवर्णः -
black/white/dark-blue/Bhojpattra or birch tree |
राम (9) | पुं | all | रामः |
3|3|140|2|2 | joy/dark/white/black/horse/lovely/deligh ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[vk] जामदग्न्यः -
विष्णोः परशुरामावतारः - Epithet of Parasurāma |
[vk] दाशरथिः -
विष्णोः रामावतारः - Incarnation of Viṣṇu as Rāma; Son of Dasaratha |
[vk] बलभद्रः -
विष्णोः बलरामावतारः - Epithet of Balarāma |
[vk] वृकधोरणः -
Kind of animal |
[ak] बलभद्रः -
strong/powerful/species of Kadamba/bovine animal [Bos Gavaeus - Zoo.]/lotus bark ... |
[ak] मृगभेदः -
eyeball/spotted black/chiefly black/black and white/spotted antelope/black cutch ... |
[ak] मनोरमम् -
charming/pleasant/desirable/beautiful/attractive/gratifying the mind |
[ak] शुक्लवर्णयुक्तः -
wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ... |
राम (3) | स्त्री | all | |
3|3|140|2|2 | joy/dark/white/black/horse/lovely/deligh ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] मनोरमम् -
charming/pleasant/desirable/beautiful/attractive/gratifying the mind |
[ak] शुक्लवर्णयुक्तः -
wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ... |
राम (3) | नपुं | all | रामम् |
3|3|140|2|2 | joy/dark/white/black/horse/lovely/deligh ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] मनोरमम् -
charming/pleasant/desirable/beautiful/attractive/gratifying the mind |
[ak] शुक्लवर्णयुक्तः -
wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ... |
बहुल (3) | पुं | all | बहुलः |
3|3|199|2|2 | many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/la ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] अग्निः -
fire/bile/gold/god of fire/number three/gastric fluid/sacrificial fire/digestive ... |
[ak] बहुलम् -
many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/large/ample/black/broad/copious/numerous/a ... |
बहुल (3) | स्त्री | all | |
3|3|199|2|2 | many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/la ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] अग्निः -
fire/bile/gold/god of fire/number three/gastric fluid/sacrificial fire/digestive ... |
[ak] बहुलम् -
many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/large/ample/black/broad/copious/numerous/a ... |
बहुल (3) | नपुं | all | बहुलम् |
3|3|199|2|2 | many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/la ... | | | नानार्थवर्गः |
[ak] अग्निः -
fire/bile/gold/god of fire/number three/gastric fluid/sacrificial fire/digestive ... |
[ak] बहुलम् -
many/fire/much/wide/dense/thick/a lot/large/ample/black/broad/copious/numerous/a ... |