[ak]अकस्मात्_पतितगर्भा_गौः woman miscarrying from accident |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अकोपजा_गौः tractable cow |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अजः goat/troop/mover/unborn/driver/leader/not born/instigator/beam of the sun |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अजसमूहः flock of goats |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अजा goat/she-goat |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अजातशृङ्गगौः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अजिनजातीयमृगः flag/banana/banner/plantain/banana tree/kind of deer/plantain tree/flag carried ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अधिकवेगवाजिः fleet/quick/swift/fleet horse/kind of deer |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अन्तर्मदहस्तिः dove/furious/ruttish/intoxicated/elephant in rut/excited by drink/excited by pas ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्वः horse/archer/stallion/number seven/particular kind of lover |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्वबालः boy/kid/foal/fool/colt/pure/child/minor/early/naive/young/simple/infant/puerile/ ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्वमेधीयवाजिः going/horse/swift/moving/having a long stick/way of final beatitude |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्ववृन्दम् multitude of horses |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्वसमूहः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]अश्वा mare |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]आरब्धयौवनवृषभः young bullock |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]उष्ट्रः cart/camel/wagon/buffalo |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]उष्ट्रशिशुः wall/camel/metacarpus/young camel/young elephant/kind of perfume/trunk of an ele ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]उष्ट्रसमूहः coming from a camel/relating to a camel/herd or multitude of camels |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]उष्ट्रिका slaying/killing/churning/agitating/shaking about/stirring round/churning-stick/c ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]एकवर्षा_गौः heifer one year old |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]करिपोतः young camel/young elephant/black Datura plant [Datura Fastuosa - Bot.] |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]काम्बोजदेशवाजिः native of Kamboja/prince of the kambojas/kind of touch-me-not shrub/horse of the ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]कुलीनाश्वः of good breed/of noble origin/well-bred horse |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]कृतमैथुना_गौः cow in heat/cow which has just taken the bull/cow milked unseasonably or every s ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]क्रतावभिमन्त्रितपशुः begun/brought/fetched/calamity/prepared/disaster/undertaken/disastrous/calamitou ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गण्डकः spot/mark/obstacle/rhinoceros/separation/disjunction/kind of science/metre of 4 ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गतमतगजः elephant out of rut |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गर्दभः crier/donkey/brayer/jackass/ass [animal]/kind of perfume |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गर्भग्रहणयोग्या_गौः to be covered or impregnated |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गोभेदः spotted cow/cow of plenty |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गोमहिष्यादिः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गोसङ्घातः herd of cows/cow-house or station/village or tract on the yamunA |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गोसमूहः cow-herd/desire for milk/desire for or delight in cows |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]गौः |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]ग्राम्यसूकरः filth-goer/tame or village hog |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]चतुर्वर्षा_गौः cow of 4 years |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]जम्भूकः ziva's wife/kind of metre/particular zruti/final emancipation/kind of yellow pig ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]तरक्षुः hyena |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]तरुणपशुः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]तारुण्यप्राप्तवृषभः to be castrated/to be regarded or used as a full-grown steer |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]त्रिवर्षा_गौः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]दक्षिणव्रणकुरङ्गः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]दमनार्थं_कण्ठारोपितकाष्ठवाहः going at the side of the yoke |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]दमितवृषभादिः mild/giver/tamed/donor/patient/subdued/liberal/broken in/restrained/ending in dA ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]दारुविकारशृङ्खलाबद्धोष्ट्रशिशुः camel/chain/young camel or other young animal with wooden rings or clogs on his ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]दीर्घकालेन_प्रसूता_गौः which has calved a long time ago |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]द्रोणप्रिमितदुग्धमात्रा_गौः yielding a droNa of milk |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]द्विवर्षा_गौः 2-year old cow |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]धुरन्धरवृषभः best/chief/horse/leader/bullock/foremost/minister/beast of burden/charge d'affai ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]धेनुसमूहः herd of cows/kind of coitus |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]नरमृगाद्याः viviparous/born from the womb |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]नासारज्जुयुक्तवृषभः nozzled |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]निर्बलहस्त्यश्वसमूहः lost/wish/gone/quiet/liked/loved/desire/hidden/smooth/desired/covered/trained/us ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]नूतनप्रसूता_गौः cow/milch/milch cow or any cow/yielding or giving milk/any beverage made of milk ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]पशुः ass/goat/cows/beast/cattle/animal/creature/flesh an/animal sacrifice/any animal ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]पारसीदेशवाजिः Persian/Persians/Persian horse |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]प्रतिवर्षं_प्रसवित्री_गौः cow bearing a calf every year |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]प्रथमं_गर्भं_धृतवती_गौः cow for the first time with calf. |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]बन्धनस्थिता_गौः cow whose milk has been pledged |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]बहुप्रसूता_गौः female who has borne many children |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]बाल्हिकदेशवाजिः king of the bAlhikas |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]भल्लूकः monkey |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]भारवाह्यश्वः carrying on the back/having these stotras/horse for riding or for draught/belong ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मत्तगजः cleft/blown/broken/opened/exuding/altered/pierced/depressed/disfigured/interrupt ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मत्तशुनः fabulous animal/like a hog with eight legs/mad dog or one rendered furious/crown ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]महावृषभः large bull/great bull/full grown bull |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]महिषः sun/great/buffalo/powerful/great priest |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मांसात्पशुः snake/predator/malicious/mischievous/beast of prey/rogue or a jackal |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मार्जारः cat/wild cat/civet-cat/Scarlet leadwort [Plumbago Rosea - Bot.]/Indian almond [T ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मूषकः rat/mouse/thief/plunderer/kind of metre/computer mouse |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मृगभेदः eyeball/spotted black/chiefly black/black and white/spotted antelope/black cutch ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मृगयाकुशलशुनः vile/noise/sound/wicked/dog trained for the chase |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मृगी doe/deer/female deer/golden image/kind of metre/yellow jasmine/kind of svarabhak ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मेषः ram/sheep/Aries [Astr. zodiac] |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]मेषसमूहः flock of sheep |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]युगवाह्यवृषभः car/vehicle/chariot/drawn by/yoked or fit to be yoked/any yoked or draught anima ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]युगेयुगवाह्यवृषभः draught beast/harnessed with a yoke |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]यूथमुख्यहस्तिः lord or leader of a herd or band or troop |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]रथवाहकाश्वः chariot-horse/accustomed to it/part of a chariot/delighting in roads/relating to ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वत्ससमूहः herd of calves/coming or made from the coral swirl [ Wrightia antidysenterica - ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वनायुदेशवाजिः produced or bred in vanAyu |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वन्ध्या_गौः cow/ewe/daughter/barren woman/female elephant/any woman or wife/araNi tree [Prem ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वराहः pig/hog/yam/ram/bull/boar/cloud/wild boar/manioc-root/particular measure/abridge ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वानरः ape/monkey/monkey-like/forest-animal/kind of incense/Olibanum [Frankincense]/bel ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]विपुलनकुलः king/tawny/prince/mongoose/deep-brown/bald-headed/any ichneumon/reddish-brown/sp ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृकः wolf/frog/ruddy goose/wild date tree/small house-lizard/kind of noxious parasiti ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृद्धवृषभः old bull |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृषभः ox/bull/chief/manly/mighty/strong/bullock/vigorous/particular drug/lord or best ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृषभवत्सः calf/dung-making |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृषभसङ्घः multitude of bulls |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]वृषयोगेन_गर्भपातिनी barren cow or and cow that miscarries |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]व्याघ्रः tiger/tiger among men/red variety of the castor-oil plant/any pre-eminently stro ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]शकटवाह्यवृषभः cart-load/draught-animal/filling a cart/drawing a cart/going in a cart/relating ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]शल्यः fence/hedgehog/boundary/porcupine/kind of fish/wood apple [Aegle Marmelos - Bot. ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]शशः hare/rabbit/antelope/gum-myrrh/lodhra tree/hare in moon/kind of meteor/man of mi ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]शुक्लाश्वः pale/tied/pure/light/white/bound/sugar/bright/candid/fettered/moonlight/joined w ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]शुनकः any dog/dog [puppy]/young or small dog/family or race of zunaka |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]श्रान्त्या_भूमौ_लुठिताश्वः returned/come near/come back/turned towards/approached or come to/horse rolling ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]श्रेष्ठा_गौः excellent cow |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]सद्योजातवृषभवत्सः any young animal |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]समीरमृगः horse/ichneumon/kind of antelope/outstripping the wind |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]सम्यग्गतिमान्_वाजिः neat/tamed/plain/humble/modest/lovely/trader/removed/trained/educated/merchant/e ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]साण्डवृषभः group/clump/eunuch/thicket/collection/breeding bull/bull set at liberty |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]सिंहः lion/kind of tune/powerful one/hero or eminent person/particular mythical bird/p ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]सुशीला_गौः particular fragrant plant |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]स्थूलस्तनी_गौः with full or swelling udders |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]स्पष्टतारुण्यवृषभः homely/tamable/tameable/being in a house/young bullock that has to be tamed |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]स्वल्पमूषकजातिः mouse/making hills |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]हरिणः sun/stag/deer/fawn/goose/tawny/green/antelope/greenish/yellowish/ichneumon/fawn- ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]हस्तिः tusked/mountain/elephant |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]हस्तिनी female elephant/elephant [female] |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]हस्तिवृन्दम् multitude of elephants/consisting of elephants/multitude of female elephants |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
[ak]हस्तिसङ्घः case/troop/event/motion/acting/exertion/incident/answering/union with/connection ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
स्तनपायी |
Response Time: 0.0185 s.