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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):celestial musician
3|3|133|1अन्तराभवसत्वेऽश्वे गन्धर्वो दिव्यगायने।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
गन्धर्व (8)पुंallगन्धर्वः 3|3|133|1|1celestial musicianनानार्थवर्गः
[vk] परेतः - गतप्राणः - Spirit of a departed (dead) person
[vk] गन्धर्वः - स्वर्गगायकः - Name of a lower deity
[vk] गोलपुसः - Musk-deer
[ak] देवयोनिः - fairy/kind of metre/kind of measure/kind of supernatural being/possessed of scie ...
[ak] देवगायकः - celestial musician
[ak] मृगभेदः - eyeball/spotted black/chiefly black/black and white/spotted antelope/black cutch ...
[ak] अश्वः - horse/archer/stallion/number seven/particular kind of lover
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