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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):crow/safe/fatal/heron/unhurt/garlic/secure/ill-luck/disastrous/misfortune/medical plant/kind of liquor/boding misfortune/distilled mixture/proof against injury or damage/soapberry tree [Sapindus saponaria]/soapnut [Sapindus Detergens - Bot.]/neem tree [Azadirachta Indica - Bot.]
2|4|31|2रक्तोऽसौ मधुशिग्रुः स्यादरिष्टः फेनिलः समौ॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
अरिष्ट (7)पुंallअरिष्टः 2|4|31|2|2crow/safe/fatal/heron/unhurt/garlic/secu ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] काकः - काकः इति पक्षिविशेषः - Crow
[vk] फेनिलः - अरिष्टः-रीढा वृक्षः - Soap berry tree; Tamil Pūvatti
[vk] लशुनम् - पलाण्डोः दशजातयः - Garlic; Allium stativum; Tamil Vel̤ul̤l̤i
[ak] निम्बः - Nimb or Neem tree/neem tree [Azadirachta Indica - Bot.]
[ak] लशुनम् - garlic/one of the 10 kinds of onion
[ak] काकः - cripple/jackdaw/lame man/sectarial mark/washing the head/particular measure/impu ...
फेनिल (3)पुंallफेनिलः 2|4|31|2|3foamy/frothy/spumous/kind of tree/soapnu ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] फेनिलः - अरिष्टः-रीढा वृक्षः - Soap berry tree; Tamil Pūvatti
[ak] बदरीफलम् - black pepper/plum (aloobokhar)/fruit of the jujube/grain of Thai long pepper [Pi ...
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