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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):black pepper/plum (aloobokhar)/fruit of the jujube/grain of Thai long pepper [Piper Chaba - Bot.]
2|4|36|2कर्कन्धूर्बदरी कोलिः कोलं कुवलफेनिले॥
2|4|37|1सौवीरं बदरं घोण्टाप्यथ स्यात्स्वादुकण्टकः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
कोलनपुंallकोलम् 2|4|36|2|4black pepper/plum (aloobokhar)/fruit of ...वनौषधिवर्गः
कुवलनपुंallकुवलम् 2|4|36|2|5pearl/water-lily/fruit of jujube treeवनौषधिवर्गः
फेनिल (3)पुंallफेनिलः 2|4|36|2|6foamy/frothy/spumous/kind of tree/soapnu ...वनौषधिवर्गः
सौवीर (4)नपुंallसौवीरम् 2|4|37|1|1antimony/sour gruel/fruit of the jujubeवनौषधिवर्गः
बदरनपुंallबदरम् 2|4|37|1|2jujube/edible fruit of the jujube/berry ...वनौषधिवर्गः
घोण्टा (3)स्त्रीallघोण्टा 2|4|37|1|3betel-nut tree/kind of jujubeवनौषधिवर्गः
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