[ak]अङ्गुलीभूषणम् aGgulIka/finger ring/finger-ring/ring [finger ornament] |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]अश्वभूषा box/case/bale/goods/compartment |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]एकलतिकाहारः single row/single string of pearls or beads or flowers/series of sentences where ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]कण्ठाभरणम् necklace/chain worn round the neck of an elephant |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]कण्ठे_ऋजुलम्बमानपुष्पमाला hanging down/garland hanging down to the breast |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]करवलयः bracelet/bracelet of gold |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]कर्णाभरणम् pen/bawd/chalk/centre/earring/ear ring/small brush/central point/middle finger/k ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]किङ्किणी small bell/tinkling anklet |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]किरीटम् crown/merchant |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]केशमध्यगर्भमाला chaplet of flowers worn in the hair/period of two nights with the intermediate d ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]केशात्कलापार्थः tie/die/net/edge/cord/bond/dice/rope/trap/noose/snare/chain/fetter/border/nature ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]चतुर्लतिकाहारः nosegay/cow's dug/kind of fort/cluster of blossoms/pearl necklace consisting of ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]चतुर्विंशतिलतिकाहारः None |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]दशलतिकाहारः lad/pupil/youth/fellow/student/scholar/religious student/pearl ornament of 16 st ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]द्वात्रिंश्ल्लतिकाहारः bunch/clump/bundle/nosegay/cluster/plant or perfume granthiparNa/pearl necklace ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]द्वादशलतिकाहारः necklace of sixty-four strings |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]नूपुरः |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]पुंस्कटीभूषणम् fetter/man's belt/measuring chain |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]प्रगण्डाभूषणम् kind of coitus/bracelet worn on the upper arm |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]भूषणम् trinket/ornament/decoration/act of decorating/decoration an ornament of the sen ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]मणिबन्धभूषणम् ring/crest/bangle/bracelet/annual weapon/band or ribbon/ornament for the wrist/a ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]मणियुक्तनूपुरः swan/goose/gander/flamingo/kind of measure |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]मुद्रिताङ्गुली seal-ring |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]मूर्ध्निधृतकुसुमावलिः flower/wreath/garland/chaplet/relating to a garland |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]मौक्तिकमाला war/loss/waste/porter/battle/garland/bearing/removal/raising/carrier/levying/cha ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]यज्ञोपवीतवर्त्तियग्धृतपुष्पमाला garland suspended over the shoulder |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]लम्बमानकण्ठभूषणम् fringe/falling/depending/hanging down/long necklace/particular mode of fighting/ ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]ललाटकृततिलकम् mole/freckle/kind of horse/mark of sandal/mark on the forehead/ornament of anyth ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]ललाटधृतपुष्पमाला chaplet or wreath of flowers worn on the forehead |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]ललाटाभरणम् ornament worn on the forehead/mark made with sandal or ashes on the forehead |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]शतलतिकाहारः necklace of pearls |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]शिखायां_लम्बमानपुष्पमाला chaplet or wreath of flowers suspended from the lock on the crown of the head |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]शिखास्थमाल्यम् hurting/squeezing/giving pain/compressing/chaplet tied on the crown of the head |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]शिरोमणिः crest jewel/metre of 4 x 7 syllables/best or most excellent of/particular way of ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]शिरोमध्यस्थचूडा apex/peak/crest/spike/flame/plume/point/nipple/summit/topknot/any root/pinnacle/ ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]सप्तविंशतिमुक्ताभिः_कृता_माला star-group/star group/star-circle/kind of dance/necklace of 27 pearls/nakSatras ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]सीमन्तस्थितायाः_स्वर्णादिपट्टिका string of pearls or other ornament for the hair |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]सुवर्णलम्बकण्ठिका None |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]स्त्रीकटीभूषणम् zone/girdle/belt [of a sphere, Math.] |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]हस्तसूत्रम् wreath/attack/garland/servant/bracelet/follower/day-break/assailing/rear of an a ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]हारः set/bush/shrub/bunch/clump/bundle/bunch of flowers/section in a tale/cluster of ... |
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आभरणम् |
[ak]हेम्न्युरोभूषणम् gold coin |
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आभरणम् |
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