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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):low/vile/reed/heap/cane/stem/arrow/stalk/water/trunk/rudder/bundle/praise/branch/switch/privacy/cluster/flattery/occasion/quantity/multitude/long bone/abundance/opportunity/private place/kind of square measure/bone of the arms or legs/separate department or subject/baruwa sugarcane [Saccharum bengalense - Bot.]/part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed
3|3|43|2काण्डोऽस्त्री दण्डबाणार्ववर्गावसरवारिषु॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
काण्ड (6)पुंallकाण्डः 3|3|43|2|1low/vile/reed/heap/cane/stem/arrow/stalk ...नानार्थवर्गः
[ak] जलम् - water
[ak] दण्डः - bar/rod/fine/sceptre/penalty/punishment
[ak] बाणः - aim/arrow/reed-shaft/udder of a cow/mark for arrows/shaft made of a reed/versed ...
[ak] अधमम् - base/worst/abject/lowest/vilest/inferior/very bad/unblushing paramour/very low o ...
[ak] अवसरः - rain/scope/chance/leisure/occasion/appropriate place for anything
काण्ड (6)नपुंallकाण्डम् 3|3|43|2|1low/vile/reed/heap/cane/stem/arrow/stalk ...नानार्थवर्गः
[ak] जलम् - water
[ak] दण्डः - bar/rod/fine/sceptre/penalty/punishment
[ak] बाणः - aim/arrow/reed-shaft/udder of a cow/mark for arrows/shaft made of a reed/versed ...
[ak] अधमम् - base/worst/abject/lowest/vilest/inferior/very bad/unblushing paramour/very low o ...
[ak] अवसरः - rain/scope/chance/leisure/occasion/appropriate place for anything
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