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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):sin/wood/lace/cell/gate/belt/room/wall/zone/cabin/grass/girth/border/armpit/buffalo/rivalry/hide-out/equality/dry wood/classroom/underwood/dry grass/large wood/similarity/resemblance/inner recess/hiding-place/lurking-place/circumference/side or flank/climbing plant/cabinet [room]/spreading creeper/region of the girth/object of emulation/interior of a forest/forest of dead trees/compartment (railway)/ward [part of hospital]/any place surrounded by walls/bastard myrobalan tree [Terminalia Belerica - Bot.]
2|6|79|1बाहुमूले उभे कक्षौ पार्श्वमस्त्री तयोरधः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
बाहुमूलनपुंallबाहुमूलम् 2|6|79|1|1armpit/arm-pit/arm-rootमनुष्यवर्गः
कक्ष (3)पुंallकक्षः 2|6|79|1|2sin/wood/lace/cell/gate/belt/room/wall/z ...मनुष्यवर्गः
[ak] शाखादिभिर्विस्तृतवल्ली - herb/shoot/plant/branch/snare or noose of indra/plant which grows again after be ...
[ak] तृणम् - herb/straw/grass/blade of grass/any gramineous plant
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