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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):bush/fort/hedge/shrub/spleen/thicket/battalion/entrenchment/clump of trees/body of troops/wharf or stairs/cluster of trees/cluster of bushes/cluster [of trees]/division of an army/disciplining an army/cluster or clump of trees/troop or guard of soldiers/chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen
2|6|66|1अन्त्रं पुरीतद्गुल्मस्तु प्लीहा पुंस्यथ वस्नसा।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
गुल्म (6)पुंallगुल्मः 2|6|66|1|3bush/fort/hedge/shrub/spleen/thicket/bat ...मनुष्यवर्गः
[vk] अप्रकाण्डः - स्कन्धरहितवृक्षः - Shrub
[ak] स्कन्धरहितवृक्षः - thicket/mountain/sheaf of corn a bush/clump or tuft of grass/any clump or bunch ...
[ak] तरुमूलम् - fibrous or flexible root/lash or stroke with a whip or rod
[ak] गुल्मसेना - bush/fort/hedge/shrub/spleen/thicket/battalion/entrenchment/clump of trees/body ...
[ak] गुल्मरोगः - bush/fort/hedge/shrub/spleen/thicket/battalion/entrenchment/clump of trees/body ...
प्लीहन्पुंallप्लीहा 2|6|66|1|4spleen/disease of the spleenमनुष्यवर्गः
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