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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):envy/swan/goose/horse/silver/malice/gander/flamingo/mountain/soul or spirit/kind of measure/kind of ascetic/unambitious monarch/spiritual preceptor/excellent draught-ox/one of the vital airs/goose, swan, flamingo/temple of a particular form/to act or behave like a swan/mystical name of the letter h/kind of mantra or mystical text/man of supernatural qualities born under a particular constellation
2|5|23|2हंसास्तु श्वेतगरुतश्चक्राङ्गा मानसौकसः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
हंस (4)पुंallहंसः 2|5|23|2|1envy/swan/goose/horse/silver/malice/gand ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] हंसः - हंसः इति पक्षिभेदः - Goose
[vk] मुस्ता - Cyprus rotundus; Tamil Muttakāsi
[ak] सूर्यः - sun/drug/solar/new bride/swallow-wort/epithet of ziva/sun or its deity/daughter ...
श्वेतगरुत्पुंallश्वेतगरुत् 2|5|23|2|2swan/goose/white-wingedसिंहादिवर्गः
चक्राङ्गपुंallचक्राङगः 2|5|23|2|3carriage/cakra bird/curved-neck/wheel-li ...सिंहादिवर्गः
मानसौकस् (2)पुंallमानसौकः 2|5|23|2|4wild goose or swan/dwelling on lake mana ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] हंसः - हंसः इति पक्षिभेदः - Goose
Outgoing Relations:
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[ak]कृष्णचङ्चुचरणहंसः kuru/kind of snake/son of dhRtarASTra/belonging to dhRtarASTra/sort of goose wit ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> हंसः
[ak]राजहंसः swan/kind-goose/excellent kind/kind of swan or goose --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> हंसः
[ak]हंसभेदः None --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> हंसः
[ak]हंसस्त्री wasp/goose/kind of wasp/seed of safflower [Carthamus tinctorius - Bot.] --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> हंसः
[ak]हंसस्त्री wasp/goose/kind of wasp/seed of safflower [Carthamus tinctorius - Bot.] --[पति_पत्नीसंबन्धः]--> हंसः
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