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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):main/chief/prime/noble/major/head of/courtier/prominent/principal/intellect/Originator/fundamental/primary germ/understanding/most important/pre-eminent in/elephant-driver/principal or first/chief thing or person/supreme or universal soul/better than or superior to/principal member of a compound/primary or unevolved matter or nature/first companion or attendant of a king/most important or essential part of anything/original source of the visible or material universe
1|4|29|1क्षेत्रज्ञ आत्मा पुरुषः प्रधानं प्रकृतिः स्त्रियाम्।
3|3|37|1अयोघने शैलशृङ्गे सीराङ्गे कूटमस्त्रियाम्।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
प्रधान (5)नपुंallप्रधानम् 1|4|29|1|4main/chief/prime/noble/major/head of/cou ...कालवर्गः
[ak] बुद्धिः - wit/mind/idea/talent/reason/design/notion/purpose/inkling/resolve/opinion/decisi ...
[ak] प्रधानोद्योगस्थाः - best/great/great lady/the greatest/high official/prime minister/man of high rank ...
[ak] श्रेष्ठम् - main/chief/prime/noble/major/head of/courtier/prominent/principal/intellect/Orig ...
[ak] परमात्मा - main/chief/prime/noble/major/head of/courtier/prominent/principal/intellect/Orig ...
प्रकृति (5)स्त्रीallप्रकृतिः 1|4|29|1|5rule/root/base/model/origin/affair/mothe ...कालवर्गः
[ak] स्वभावः - nature/impulse/character/spontaneity/native place/inherent nature/natural state ...
[ak] स्त्रीयोनिः - particular muhUrta/perinaeum of males
[ak] पुरुषलिङ्गः - male generative organ/dick [external male genital organ]
[ak] राज्याङ्गाः - limb of royalty/government department/requisite of regal administration
कूट (12)पुंallकूटः 3|3|37|1|1untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/o ...नानार्थवर्गः
[vk] शिखरम् - शिखरम् - Peak of a mountain
[vk] कूटः - With broken horns
[ak] राशिः - ram/sheep/Aries [Astr. zodiac]
[ak] असत्यवचनम् - vain/false/futile/unreal/untrue/free from/incorrect
[ak] कपटः - guile/trickery/deceitfulness
[ak] पर्वताग्रः - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] धान्यादिराशिः - mass/heap/clump/quantity/multitude
[ak] निश्चलवस्तु - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] यन्त्रम् - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] अयोघनम् - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] सीराङ्गः - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
कूट (12)नपुंallकूटम् 3|3|37|1|1untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/o ...नानार्थवर्गः
[vk] शिखरम् - शिखरम् - Peak of a mountain
[vk] कूटः - With broken horns
[ak] राशिः - ram/sheep/Aries [Astr. zodiac]
[ak] असत्यवचनम् - vain/false/futile/unreal/untrue/free from/incorrect
[ak] कपटः - guile/trickery/deceitfulness
[ak] पर्वताग्रः - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] धान्यादिराशिः - mass/heap/clump/quantity/multitude
[ak] निश्चलवस्तु - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] यन्त्रम् - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] अयोघनम् - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
[ak] सीराङ्गः - untrue/dwelling/deceitful/kind of hall/ox whose horns are broken/subdivision of ...
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