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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant/glowing/shining/innocent/virtuous/gleaming/unsullied/undefiled/bona fide/sexual love/purification/ray of light/brilliantly white/faithful minister/judicial acquittal/fever that attacks pigs/planet Venus or its regent/one who has acquitted himself of or discharged
1|4|16|1वैशाखे माधवो राधो ज्येष्ठे शुक्रः शुचिस्त्वयम्।
1|4|16|2आषाढे श्रावणे तु स्यान्नभाः श्रावणिकश्च सः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
शुचि (9)पुंallशुचिः 1|4|16|1|6wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/cl ...कालवर्गः
[vk] आषाढः - आषाढो नाम चान्द्रमासः - Second month of the summer season (griṣma)
[vk] ग्रीष्मः - ज्येष्ठाषाढाभ्याम् ऋतुः - Summer season consisting of the months Jyaiṣṭha and Āṣāḍha
[ak] अग्निः - fire/bile/gold/god of fire/number three/gastric fluid/sacrificial fire/digestive ...
[ak] शुक्लवर्णः - pure/light/white/mucus/bright/saliva/whitish/spotless/unsullied/month vaizAkha/w ...
[ak] शृङ्गाररसः - fine/love/finery/dainty/pretty/handsome/any mark/elegant dress/fine garments/ero ...
[ak] शुद्धामात्यः - wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ...
[ak] शुक्लवर्णयुक्तः - wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ...
[ak] शुद्धिः - wind/moon/holy/pure/white/clear/lucid/clean/bright/honest/virtue/Brahman/radiant ...
आषाढ (4)पुंallआषाढः 1|4|16|2|1festival/June - July/Malaya mountain/mon ...कालवर्गः
[vk] आषाढः - आषाढो नाम चान्द्रमासः - Second month of the summer season (griṣma)
[vk] मलयः - मलयपर्वतः - Name of a mountain
[ak] पलाशदण्डः - festival/June - July/Malaya mountain/month of June-July/belonging to the month A ...
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