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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):lump/mass/dark/gross/solid/dense/coarse/killer/full of/slaying/striker/fortunate/auspicious/inspissated/densely filled with/deep [as sound or color]
3|3|111|1घनो मेघे मूर्तिगुणे त्रिषु मूर्ते निरन्तरे॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
घन (7)पुंallघनः 3|3|111|1|1lump/mass/dark/gross/solid/dense/coarse/ ...नानार्थवर्गः
[vk] मेघः - धूमज्योतिपवनसलिलसङ्घातजन्यः जलधरः - Cloud
[ak] मेघः - mass/demon/cloud/sprinkler/multitude coco-grass [Cyperus Rotundus - Bot.]
[ak] मुद्गरः - bud/hammer/mallet/species of fish/kind of jasmine/any hammer-like weapon or impl ...
[ak] निबिडम् - lump/mass/dark/gross/solid/dense/coarse/killer/full of/slaying/striker/fortunate ...
[ak] कठिनम् - hard/firm/harsh/stiff/rigid/cruel/tough/violent/difficult/inflexible
[ak] निरन्तरम् - lump/mass/dark/gross/solid/dense/coarse/killer/full of/slaying/striker/fortunate ...
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