[ak]क्षीरान्नम् best food/rice boiled in milk with sugar |
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हव्यपाकः |
[ak]दधिमिशृतघृतम् curdled or clotted butter/ghee mixed with coagulated milk |
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[ak]देवान्नम् oblation/offering/to be called or invoked/anything to be offered as an oblation |
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हव्यपाकः |
[ak]पक्वक्षीरे_दधियोजना curd/cheese/mixture of boiled and coagulated milk |
--[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> |
हव्यपाकः |
[ak]पित्रन्नम् wise/to be wise/a sacrificer/sacrificial priest/what must be offered to the wise |
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हव्यपाकः |
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