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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):पूर्वदिग्गजः
Meaning (en):Elephant of the eastern quarter
2|1|8|1ऐरावतः पुण्डरीको वामनः कुमुदोऽञ्जनः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
ऐरावत (5)पुंallऐरावतः 2|1|8|1|1Elephant of the eastern quarterपूर्वदिग्गजःअन्तरिक्षकाण्डःज्योतिरध्यायः
[vk] ऐरावतः1 - समुद्रजातः इन्द्रगजः - Indra's elephant
[ak] इन्द्रहस्तिः - orange tree/orange [tree]/species of elephant/produced from the ocean/name of In ...
[ak] पूर्वदिग्गजः - orange tree/orange [tree]/species of elephant/produced from the ocean/name of In ...
[ak] नारङ्गी - orange tree/orange [tree]/species of elephant/produced from the ocean/name of In ...
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[vk]अभ्रमुः ऐरावतस्य हस्तिनी - Wife of Airāvata --[पति_पत्नीसंबन्धः]--> ऐरावतः2
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