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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):demon/cruel/green/red lac/cochineal/mango-ginger [Curcuma Zedoaria - Bot]/tree flame of the forest [Butea Frondosa - Bot.]
2|4|29|2पलाशे किंशुकः पर्णो वातपोतोऽथ वेतसे॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
पलाश (4)पुंallपलाशः 2|4|29|2|1demon/cruel/green/red lac/cochineal/mang ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] पलाशः - Butea frondosa; Tamil Murukku
[vk] शैलमूलम् - Kind of zerumbet; Tamil Kaccōlam
[ak] कचूरः - mango-ginger [Curcuma Zedoaria - Bot]
किंशुक (3)पुंallकिंशुकः 2|4|29|2|2flame of the forest tree [Butea Frondosa ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] पलाशः - Butea frondosa; Tamil Murukku
[vk] कृसरः - Terminalia catappa (Calbergia); Tamil Iṅguṇam
पर्ण (2)पुंallपर्णः 2|4|29|2|3of a people/water cabbage [Pistia Strati ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] पलाशः - Butea frondosa; Tamil Murukku
वातपोथ (2)पुंallवातपोथः 2|4|29|2|4tree flame of the forest [Butea Frondosa ...वनौषधिवर्गः
[vk] पलाशः - Butea frondosa; Tamil Murukku
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