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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):top/van/veda/head/edge/face/best/front/cause/chief/facet/mouth/means/nipple/summit/copper/visage/source/surface/quarter/fore part/direction/principal/rock salt/beginning/upper part/upper side/occasion of/countenance/commencement/introduction/beak of a bird/font [computer]/opening aperture/logical viewpoint/mouth or embouchure/tip or point of anything/side opposite to the base/mouth or spout of a vessel/snout or muzzle of an animal/entrance into or egress out of/original cause or source of the action/first term or initial quantity of a progression
2|2|19|1क्षिप्ते मुखं निःसरणं संनिवेशो निकर्षणम्।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
मुख (2)नपुंallमुखम् 2|2|19|1|1top/van/veda/head/edge/face/best/front/c ...पुरवर्गः
[ak] वदनम् - face/front/point/mouth/saying/talking/sounding/first term/countenance/act of spe ...
निःसरणनपुंallनिःसरणम् 2|2|19|1|2gate/issue/means/portal/egress/gateway/d ...पुरवर्गः
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