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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):root or pit of a bird's wing/feathers or plumage of a bird/first tithi or day of the half month
1|4|1|1कालो दिष्टोऽप्यनेहापि समयोऽप्यथ पक्षतिः।
1|4|1|2प्रतिपद्द्वे इमे स्त्रीत्वे तदाद्यास्तिथयो द्वयोः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
पक्षति (3)स्त्रीallपक्षतिः 1|4|1|1|5root or pit of a bird's wing/feathers or ...कालवर्गः
[vk] प्रतिपद् - पर्वसन्धिः - The first day of a paksa
[ak] पक्षमूलम् - root or articulation of a wing
प्रतिपत् (2)स्त्रीallप्रतिपत् 1|4|1|2|1कालवर्गः
[ak] बुद्धिः - wit/mind/idea/talent/reason/design/notion/purpose/inkling/resolve/opinion/decisi ...
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