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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):bawd/dwarf/groom/horseman/procuress/prince of the kirAtas/man of the kirAta tribe/bitter stick plant [Agathotes Chirayta - Bot.]/low-caste woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off flies
2|10|20|2भेदाः किरातशबरपुलिन्दा म्लेच्छजातयः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
किरात (2)पुंallकिरातः 2|10|20|2|1bawd/dwarf/groom/horseman/procuress/prin ...शूद्रवर्गः
[vk] किरातः - पर्णशबरी शबरान्निष्ट्यपूर्विका - Son of a Śabara and a Parṇaśabarī who was previously the wife of a Niṣṭya
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