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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):cart/camel/wagon/buffalo
2|9|75|1उष्ट्रे क्रमेलकमयमहाङ्गाः करभः शिशुः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
उष्ट्रपुंallउष्ट्रः 2|9|75|1|1cart/camel/wagon/buffaloवैश्यवर्गः
क्रमेलक (3)पुंallक्रमेलकः 2|9|75|1|2वैश्यवर्गः
[vk] ऊष्ट्रः - Camel
[vk] क्रमेलकः - Son of a Niṣṭya and an Ugri; who lives as a washerman
मय (3)पुंallमयः 2|9|75|1|3mule/horse/camel/hurting/injuringवैश्यवर्गः
[vk] मयः - असुरशिल्पिः - Name of the architect of the Asuras
[vk] ऊष्ट्रः - Camel
महाङ्गपुंallमहाङगः 2|9|75|1|4camel/kind of rat/having a great body or ...वैश्यवर्गः
Outgoing Relations:
Incoming Relations:
[ak]उष्ट्रशिशुः wall/camel/metacarpus/young camel/young elephant/kind of perfume/trunk of an ele ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> उष्ट्रः
[ak]उष्ट्रशिशुः wall/camel/metacarpus/young camel/young elephant/kind of perfume/trunk of an ele ... --[जन्य_जनकसंबन्धः]--> उष्ट्रः
[ak]उष्ट्रिका slaying/killing/churning/agitating/shaking about/stirring round/churning-stick/c ... --[पति_पत्नीसंबन्धः]--> उष्ट्रः
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