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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):kind of ebony/lotus bark tree or a pale species of the same [Symplocos racemosa - Bot.]
2|4|33|1गालवः शाबरो लोध्रस्तिरीटस्तिल्वमार्जनौ।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
गालव (3)पुंallगालवः 2|4|33|1|1kind of ebony/lotus bark tree or a pale ...वनौषधिवर्गः
शाबरपुंallशाबरः 2|4|33|1|2wicked/injury/offence/malicious/velvet b ...वनौषधिवर्गः
लोध्र (4)पुंallलोध्रः 2|4|33|1|3lotus bark tree [Symplocos racemosa - Bo ...वनौषधिवर्गः
तिरीट (2)पुंallतिरीटः 2|4|33|1|4lotus bark tree [Symplocos racemosa - Bo ...वनौषधिवर्गः
तिल्वपुंallतिल्वः 2|4|33|1|5वनौषधिवर्गः
मार्जन (2)पुंallमार्जनः 2|4|33|1|6besom/brush/broom/cleaner/washerwoman/wi ...वनौषधिवर्गः
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