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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):यूपाधानाग्निः
Meaning (en):Fire at the fixing of the sacrificial post
1|2|26|1आधानादिष्वहस्तानः सुरभिर्यूपकर्मणि।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
सुरभि (5)पुंallसुरभिः 1|2|26|1|2Fire at the fixing of the sacrificial po ...यूपाधानाग्निःस्वर्गकाण्डःलोकपालाध्यायः
[vk] वसन्तः - चैत्रवैशाखाभ्यां निष्पन्नः ऋतुः - Spring season consisting of the two months Caitra and Vaiśakha
[vk] कालपर्णी - कृष्णतुलसि - Kind of black Tulasī; Ocimum sanctum; Tamil Karun tulaśi
[ak] वसन्तर्तुः - spring/diarrhoea/brilliant/spring season/particular time/particular metre
[ak] इष्टगन्धः - having fragrant odour/any fragrant substance
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