[ak]अत्युच्चध्वनिः high/good/loud/clear/clean/saving/shrill/radiant/saviour/shining/excellent/prote ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]अन्योन्यसम्बद्धार्थः apt/able/strong/capable/powerful/qualified/efficient/competent/sufficient/a matc ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]अर्थशास्त्रम् durgA/judicature/application of the rod/administration of justice |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]अर्थादिदर्पाज्ञानम् pride/desire/regard/respect/anxious/long for/affection/conception/haughtiness/se ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]अव्यक्तमधुरध्वनिः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]उदात्तस्वरः gift/high/dear/work/lofty/great/giving/gentle/arisen/a donor/haughty/beloved/pom ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]ऋणादिन्यायः quarrel/dispute/lawsuit/argument/regarding/litigation/contention/contending/cont ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]ऋषभस्वरः bull/fifteenth kalpa/particular antidote/kind of medicinal plant/any male animal ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]ओंकारः beginning/exclamation 'Om'/pronouncing the syllable 'Om'/sacred and mystical syl ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]कैशिक्याद्याः job/rule/kind/mood/hire/being/state/gloss/style/wages/nature/conduct/working/rol ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गम्भीरध्वनिः low/deep/hollow/low tone/charming/rumbling/pleasant/agreeable/kind of drum/speci ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गानम् song/sound/singing |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गान्धारस्वरः red lead/prince of the gAndhAris/third of the 7 primary notes of music/present d ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गायत्रीच्छन्दः ancient metre of twenty-four syllables/any hymn composed in the gAyatrI metre |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गुरुपरम्परागतसदुपदेशः tantra/family/advice/the Veda/sacred tradition/received doctrine/traditional usa ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]गौणविधिः permission to adopt an alternative |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]ग्रन्थम् art/book/rule/order/theory/manual/advice/science/command/precept/treatise/teachi ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]चरित्रम् use/firm/dead/past/gone/event/metre/fixed/round/circle/affair/become/chosen/turn ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]जगतीच्छन्दः female animal |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[vk]ज्योतिश्शास्त्रम् सूर्यादीनां गत्यादिज्ञापकं शास्त्रम् - Science of the stars |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]तर्कशास्त्रम् logic/metaphysics/argumentative mind/logical philosophy |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]तिङ्सुबन्तचयः_कारकान्विता_क्रिया rule/words/period/saying/speech/command/precept/sentence/aphorism/assertion/stat ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]धर्मशास्त्रम् wish/desire/memory/tradition/awareness/remembrance/mindfulness/reminiscence/kind ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]धैवतस्वरः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]निदर्शनम् type/death/zAstra/example/paragon/instance/allegory/standard/particular high num ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]निषादस्वरः Bheels/out-caste/mountaineer/progenitor of the Ni-shad/man of any degraded tribe |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]पङ्क्तिच्छन्दः line/troop/flock/queue/group/earth/series/company/number 5/assembly/number 10/co ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]पञ्चमस्वरः fifth/21st kalpa/forming the 5th part/5th note of the gamut/5th consonant of a v ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]पद्यम् hymn/fame/voice/glory/maxim/noise/sound/verse/praise/stanza/proverb/fame renown/ ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]परम्परोपदेशः history/tradition/legendary account/traditional instruction |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]पूर्वचरितप्रतिपादकग्रन्थः talk/legend/history/tradition/heroic history/traditional accounts of former even ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]बृहतीच्छन्दः speech/mantle/wrapper/reservoir/heaven and earth/place containing water/lute of ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]मध्यमस्वरः middle/central/moderate/midnight/middling/impartial/2nd person/middlemost/middle ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]लिपिः letter/writing/letters/drawing/smearing/painting/document/alphabet/anointing/man ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]वक्ष्यमाणौपयोग्यर्थवर्णनम् recitation/beginning of a speech/example or illustration |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]वाक्यविस्तरकल्पना feigned story/work of fiction |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]वाक्यालङ्कारः None |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]विधानशास्त्रम् age/fit/law/mode/idea/able/rule/form/epoch/prime/early/almost/period/ritual/prop ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]वेदाङ्गम् art/lesson/advice/precept/modesty/helping/teaching/learning/training/humility/sk ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]व्याकरणादिशास्त्रवाचकः note/word/name/tone/noise/voice/sound/title/affix/speech/word on/language/right ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]शास्त्रम् proof/scale/unity/limit/extent/capital/oneness/measure/warrant/standard/guidelin ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]शिक्षा cure/work/rite/study/doing/means/labour/action/worship/activity/business/ceremon ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]षड्जस्वरः six-born |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]सत्यार्थविषयिणी_कथा story/short narrative |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]सन्धिविग्रहादयः use/lace/kind/cook/rope/sinew/times/merit/talent/credit/virtue/garland/species/e ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[vk]सरस्वती वाचः अधिदेवता - Epithet of Saraswati |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]सरस्वती cow/any river/eloquence/excellent woman/learning wisdom/name of a river [mythica ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]सिद्धान्तः rule/dogma/axiom/theory/doctrine/principle/established end/received or admitted ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
[ak]सूक्ष्मध्वनिः low and sweet tone/kind of grape without a stone/musical instrument with a low t ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
पौरुषेयः |
Response Time: 0.0157 s.