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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):row/warp/loom/type/rule/army/fiber/house/model/troop/spell/wealth/number/theory/system/fabric/series/textile/doctrine/happiness/framework/government/main point/contrivance/oath or ordeal/scientific work/characteristic feature/authority [significance]/chord [of a musical instrument]/chapter of a scientific treatise/leading or principal or essential part/means which leads to two or more results/class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies
3|3|185|2तन्त्रं प्रधाने सिद्धान्ते सूत्रवाये परिच्छदे॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
तन्त्र (4)नपुंallतन्त्रम् 3|3|185|2|1row/warp/loom/type/rule/army/fiber/house ...नानार्थवर्गः
[ak] सिद्धान्तः - rule/dogma/axiom/theory/doctrine/principle/established end/received or admitted ...
[ak] प्रधानम् - spot/sign/mark/chief/stain/token/pearl/speck/blemish/bad mark/principal/excellen ...
[ak] परिच्छदः - sowing/furniture/piece of water/fried grains or sour milk
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