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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):apex/peak/crest/spike/flame/plume/point/nipple/summit/topknot/any root/pinnacle/sharp end/any flame/projection/any branch/fibrous root/ray of light/end or point/pointed flame/branch which takes root/peacock's crest or comb/point or tip of the foot/fever or excitement of love/head or chief or best of a class/end or point or border of a garment/lock of hair on the crown of the head/particular part of a verse or formula/Water primrose [Ludwigia hexapetala - Bot.]/tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head
2|5|31|2शिखा चूडा शिखण्डस्तु पिच्छबर्हे नपुंसके॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
शिखा (6)स्त्रीallशिखा 2|5|31|2|1apex/peak/crest/spike/flame/plume/point/ ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[vk] जिह्वा - अग्निज्वाला - Flame
[vk] शाखा - Branch of a tree
[ak] अग्निज्वाला - flame/burnt rice/illustration/illumination/causing a flame to blaze
[ak] किरणः - ray/sun/dust/rein/beam/thread/beam of light/sun- or moonbeam/very minute dust/ra ...
[ak] शिरोमध्यस्थचूडा - apex/peak/crest/spike/flame/plume/point/nipple/summit/topknot/any root/pinnacle/ ...
चूडा (2)स्त्रीallचूडा 2|5|31|2|2top/apex/crest/tuft of hair/crown of the ...सिंहादिवर्गः
[ak] शिरोमध्यस्थचूडा - apex/peak/crest/spike/flame/plume/point/nipple/summit/topknot/any root/pinnacle/ ...
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