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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):dam/dike/bond/bank/mound/limit/bridge/fetter/binding/landmark/causeway/boundary/fixed rule/rAma's bridge/ridge of earth/explanatory commentary/established institution/who or what binds or fetters/praNava or sacred syllable Om/help to the understanding of a text/any raised piece of ground separating fields/sacred garlic pear tree [Crataeva Roxburghii - Bot.]
2|1|14|1पर्यन्तभूः परिसरः सेतुरालौ स्त्रियां पुमान्।
3|3|57|2सेतौ च वरणो वेणी नदीभेदे कचोच्चये।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
सेतु (3)पुंallसेतुः 2|1|14|1|3dam/dike/bond/bank/mound/limit/bridge/fe ...भूमिवर्गः
आलि (3)स्त्रीallआलिः 2|1|14|1|4idle/pure/honest/secure/useless/unmeanin ...भूमिवर्गः
आलिपुंallआलिः 2|1|14|1|4idle/pure/honest/secure/useless/unmeanin ...भूमिवर्गः
वरण (4)पुंallवरणः 3|3|57|2|1mound/camel/bridge/rampart/any tree/caus ...नानार्थवर्गः
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