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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):hells/excavation/fourth house/submarine fire/hole in the earth/one of the 7 regions under the earth and the abode of the nAgas or serpents and demons
1|8|1|1अधोभुनपातालं बलिसद्म रसातलम्।
1|8|1|2नागलोकोऽथ कुहरं शुषिरं विवरं बिलम्॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
अधोभुवननपुंallअधोभुवनम् 1|8|1|1|1lower worldपातालभोगिवर्गः
पाताल (2)नपुंallपातालम् 1|8|1|1|2hells/excavation/fourth house/submarine ...पातालभोगिवर्गः
बलिसद्मन्नपुंallबलिसद्म 1|8|1|1|3पातालभोगिवर्गः
रसातलनपुंallरसातलम् 1|8|1|1|4soil/earth/ground/lower regions/4th astr ...पातालभोगिवर्गः
नागलोकपुंallनागलोकः 1|8|1|2|1race of these beings collectively/world ...पातालभोगिवर्गः
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