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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):चर्मकञ्चुकजीवनम् यस्य
Meaning (en):Son of a Caṇḍāla and a Brāhmaṇī who gains his living by working in skins and a tailor
3|5|39|1श्वपचं सैव चण्डालाच्चर्मकञ्चुकजीवनम्।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
श्वपच (3)पुंallश्वपचः 3|5|39|1|1Son of a Caṇḍāla and a Brāhmaṇī who gain ...चर्मकञ्चुकजीवनम् यस्यभूमिकाण्डःमनुष्याध्यायः
[vk] पुलिन्दः1 - निष्ट्यात् किराती नान्यपूर्विका - Son of a Niṣṭya and a previously unmarried Kirātī
[ak] चण्डालः - outcast/outcaste/man of the lowest and most despised of the mixed tribes
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