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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):वैश्यात्ब्राह्मणीभ्यामुत्पन्नः
Meaning (en):One whose parents are married; and whose father is a Brāhman and whose mother is a Vaiśya
3|5|4|1वैश्याऽम्बष्ठं निषादं तु शूद्रा पारशवश्च सः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
अम्बष्ठ (5)पुंallअम्बष्ठः 3|5|4|1|1One whose parents are married; and whose ...वैश्यात्ब्राह्मणीभ्यामुत्पन्नःभूमिकाण्डःमनुष्याध्यायः
Outgoing Relations:
--[isa_k]-->ब्राह्मणपुत्राः स्यु: नानायोषित्समु्द्भवाः
Incoming Relations:
[vk]दौष्यन्तः1 Ambaṣṭha; who is a belt maker --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> अम्बष्ठः1
[vk]निषादः2 Ambaṣṭha who proclaims the fame of a prince --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> अम्बष्ठः1
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