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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):ant-hill/mole-hill/green snake/kind of ebony/sort of mouse/another plant/chief of a guild/another species of ebony/any artisan of eminent birth
2|10|5|2कुलकः स्यात्कुलश्रेष्ठी मालाकारस्तु मालिकः॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
कुलक (4)पुंallकुलकः 2|10|5|2|1ant-hill/mole-hill/green snake/kind of e ...शूद्रवर्गः
[vk] काकतिन्दुकः - कटुतिन्दुकः - Species of Ebony; Diospyros tomentosa; Tamil Kākkaitumbi
[ak] कटुतिन्दुकः - kind of ebony
[ak] पटोलः - pointed gourd [Trichosanthes Dioeca Roxb - Bot.]
कुलश्रेष्ठिन्पुंallकुलश्रेष्ठी 2|10|5|2|2शूद्रवर्गः
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[ak]चित्रकारादिः art/poet/science/horrible/architect of the gods/one who sings or praises --[स्व_स्वामीसंबन्धः]--> कारुसङ्घे_मुख्यः
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