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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/particular mantra/military drum or other martial instrument/elephant's cheek or the part between the tusks/one of the ingredient of the Mosaic incense [Unguis Odoratus - Bot.]
1|10|23|1मुक्तास्फोटः स्त्रियां शुक्तिः शङ्खः स्यात्कम्बुरस्त्रियौ।
3|3|32|2अब्जौ शङ्खशशाङ्कौ च स्वके नित्ये निजं त्रिषु॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
शङ्ख (8)पुंallशङ्खः 1|10|23|1|3temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/parti ...वारिवर्गः
शङ्ख (5)नपुंallशङखम् 1|10|23|1|3temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/parti ...वारिवर्गः
कम्बु (2)पुंallकम्बुः 1|10|23|1|4neck/conch/shell/elephant/tube-shaped bo ...वारिवर्गः
कम्बुनपुंallकम्बु 1|10|23|1|4neck/conch/shell/elephant/tube-shaped bo ...वारिवर्गः
अब्ज (2)पुंallअब्जः 3|3|32|2|1moon/conch/born in water/son of vizAla/g ...नानार्थवर्गः
Outgoing Relations:
Incoming Relations:
[ak]विष्णुशङ्खः fire/fish or a species of fire/relating to the 5 races of men/containing or exte ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> शङ्खः
[ak]शङ्खवादकः shelly/shell-cutter/worker or dealer in shells/shell-blower or player on the con ... --[उपजीव्य_उपजीवक_भावः]--> शङ्खः
[ak]सूक्ष्मशङ्खः small conch shell --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> शङ्खः
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