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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):end/death/setting/fainting/sleepiness/armageddon/dissolution/destruction/annihilation/reabsorption/loss of senses/end of the world/cause of dissolution/at the end of a kalpa/loss of consciousness/dissolution of the world/loss of sense or consciousness/destruction of the whole world
1|4|22|2संवर्तः प्रलयः कल्पः क्षयः कल्पान्त इत्यपि॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
संवर्त (2)पुंallसंवर्तः 1|4|22|2|1year/meeting/dense mass/rolling up/rain- ...कालवर्गः
[vk] विभीतकः - विभीतकी - Beleric myrobalam; Terminalia belerica; Tamil Tāni
प्रलय (4)पुंallप्रलयः 1|4|22|2|2end/death/setting/fainting/sleepiness/ar ...कालवर्गः
[vk] प्रलयः - संहारः - Destruction; Epithet of संहारः
[ak] सात्विकभावः - end/death/setting/fainting/sleepiness/armageddon/dissolution/destruction/annihil ...
[ak] मरणम् - death/asylum/refuge/decease/cessation/8th mansion/passing away/act of dying/kind ...
कल्प (6)पुंallकल्पः 1|4|22|2|3age/fit/law/mode/idea/able/rule/form/epo ...कालवर्गः
[vk] कल्पः - दैवम् युगसहस्रद्वयम्; ब्रह्मणः दिनम् - Space of 1000 caturyugas; or a day of Brahman
[vk] विभीतकः - विभीतकी - Beleric myrobalam; Terminalia belerica; Tamil Tāni
[ak] दैवद्विसहस्रयुगम् - age/fit/law/mode/idea/able/rule/form/epoch/prime/early/almost/period/ritual/prop ...
[ak] विधानशास्त्रम् - age/fit/law/mode/idea/able/rule/form/epoch/prime/early/almost/period/ritual/prop ...
[ak] नीतिः - fitness/propriety/non-deviation
क्षय (5)पुंallक्षयः 1|4|22|2|4end/fall/race/seat/loss/ruin/wane/house/ ...कालवर्गः
[ak] गृहम् - home/name/house/square/appellation/sign of the zodiac/astrological mansion/domes ...
[ak] राजयक्ष्मा - end/fall/race/seat/loss/ruin/wane/house/decay/minus/waste/abode/waning/family/de ...
[ak] अष्टवर्गाणां_क्षयः - end/fall/race/seat/loss/ruin/wane/house/decay/minus/waste/abode/waning/family/de ...
[ak] अपचयः - end/fall/race/seat/loss/ruin/wane/house/decay/minus/waste/abode/waning/family/de ...
कल्पान्त (2)पुंallकल्पान्तः 1|4|22|2|5end of a Kalpa/end of the world/dissolut ...कालवर्गः
[vk] महाप्रलयः - त्रिलोकनाशः - Great dissolution of the world
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