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अमरकोश - Amara Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):None
Meaning (en):sea/fund/store/hoard/treasure/reservoir/receptacle/kind of perfume/bottom of the ukhA/science of chronology/setting down or serving up/place for deposits or storing up
1|1|71|2निधिर्ना शेवधिर्भेदाः पद्मशङ्खादयो निधेः।
3|3|18|2शङ्खो निधौ ललटास्थ्निकम्बौ न स्त्रीन्द्रियेऽपि खम्॥
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
निधि (2)पुंallनिधिः 1|1|71|2|1sea/fund/store/hoard/treasure/reservoir/ ...स्वर्गवर्गः
[vk] निधिः - सामान्यनिधिः - Treasure
शेवधि (2)पुंallशेवधिः 1|1|71|2|2jewel/wealth/treasure/treasury/treasure- ...स्वर्गवर्गः
[vk] निधिः - सामान्यनिधिः - Treasure
शङ्ख (8)पुंallशङ्खः 3|3|18|2|1temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/parti ...नानार्थवर्गः
[vk] शङ्खः1 - कुबेरस्य विशेषनिधिः - One of the nine treasures of Kubéra
[vk] शङ्खः2 - रत्नभेदम् - Conch; Kind of gem
[ak] विशेषनिधिः - cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ...
[ak] विशेषनिधिः - cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ...
[ak] शङ्खः - temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/particular mantra/military drum or other mart ...
[ak] नखाख्यगन्धद्रव्यम् - bone/oyster/hemorrhoids/oyster shell/pearl oyster/measure of weight/portion of a ...
[ak] ललाटास्थिः - temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/particular mantra/military drum or other mart ...
शङ्ख (5)नपुंallशङखम् 3|3|18|2|1temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/parti ...नानार्थवर्गः
[ak] विशेषनिधिः - cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ...
[ak] विशेषनिधिः - cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ...
[ak] शङ्खः - temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/particular mantra/military drum or other mart ...
[ak] ललाटास्थिः - temple/temporal bone/kind of metre/particular mantra/military drum or other mart ...
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[ak]विशेषनिधिः cloves/elephant/lotus-hued/species of plant/species of serpent/of two serpent-de ... --[परा_अपरासंबन्धः]--> सामान्यनिधिः
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