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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):अग्नेः जिह्वाभेदः
Meaning (en):One of the seven tongues or flames of Agni
1|2|30|1सप्त जिह्वा पुनः काली कराली विष्फुलिङ्गिनी।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
काली (7)स्त्रीallकाली 1|2|30|1|1One of the seven tongues or flames of Ag ...अग्नेः जिह्वाभेदःस्वर्गकाण्डःलोकपालाध्यायः
[vk] काली - शिवशक्तयः - One of the nine Śivaśaktis
[vk] कृष्णनवाम्बुदः - घननवाम्बुदः - Black rain cloud
[vk] सौराष्ट्री - Kind of fragrant earth like bōla; red aluminous earth
[vk] बृहती - Kind of big egg plant; brinjal; solanum melongena; Tamil Kattari
[vk] वृश्चिकाली - Tragia Involacrata; Tamil Kaukaḍai
[ak] पार्वती - kind of pepper/mountain stream/kind of fragrant earth/female cowherd or gopI/Red ...
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--[isa_k]-->अग्नेः सप्त जिह्वाभेदः
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