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वैजयन्तीकोष - Vaijayanti Kosha Synset

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Meaning (sk):
Meaning (en):Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tamil Kuriñji
3|3|61|1वासन्ते स्यात् कुरवकस्तिलकः कुवको मधुः।
Pratipadika Linga Number Nom. Sing Word Ref. Meaning (en) Meaning (sk) Section Chapter
वासन्तपुंallवासन्तः 3|3|61|1|1Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tam ...भूमिकाण्डःवनाध्यायः
कुरवक (5)पुंallकुरवकः 3|3|61|1|2Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tam ...भूमिकाण्डःवनाध्यायः
[vk] शुक्लपुष्पः - White species of the Barleria cristata; Tamil Vel̤̱ kuriñji
[vk] कुरवकः2 - Crimson globe; Amaranth gomphrena; Tamil Cikappu vāḍā kuriñji
[vk] कुरवकः3 - अरुणझिण्टी - Crimson Globe amaranth; Gomphrena; Tamil Cikappu vāḍā Kuriñji
[vk] सहचरः - पीतझिण्टी - Yellow Barleria; Tamil Man̄ea kuriñci
तिलक (5)पुंallतिलकः 3|3|61|1|3Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tam ...भूमिकाण्डःवनाध्यायः
[vk] तिलकः - Tilā plant; Tamil Mañjādi
[ak] तिलकवृक्षः - mole/freckle/kind of horse/mark of sandal/mark on the forehead/ornament of anyth ...
[ak] देहस्थतिलचिह्नः - mole/freckle/kind of horse/mark of sandal/mark on the forehead/ornament of anyth ...
[ak] ललाटकृततिलकम् - mole/freckle/kind of horse/mark of sandal/mark on the forehead/ornament of anyth ...
कुवकपुंallकुवकः 3|3|61|1|4Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tam ...भूमिकाण्डःवनाध्यायः
कुरुवकपुंallकुरुवक 3|3|61|1|4Purple species of Barleria cristata; Tam ...भूमिकाण्डःवनाध्यायः
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