[ak]इक्षुशाकादिजन्यमद्यम् kind of intoxicating drink |
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[ak]क्वाथरसः juice/extract/decoction |
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[ak]क्वाथविशेषः done readily or easily |
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[ak]गोरसम् milk product/got from a cow/sacred to the cow/worshipping the cow/proper or fit ... |
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[ak]दधिमधुशर्करामरिचार्द्रादिभिः_कृतलेह्यः tongue/dUrvA grass/vine or grape/curds mixed with sugar and spices/medicinal pla ... |
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[ak]दुग्धम् sap/milk/full/milked/filled/extracted/milked out/sucked out/accumulated/impoveri ... |
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[ak]नवप्रसूतगोः_क्षीरम् nectar |
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[ak]नानाद्रव्यकृतमद्यम् sin/bassia/ferment/drug or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufacture ... |
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[ak]मधुकपुष्पकृतमद्यम् sweet spirituous liquor/decoction of honey or of the blossoms of the honey tree ... |
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[ak]सरलद्रवः above resin |
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[ak]सुरा wine/water/snake/alcoholic drink/drinking vessel/spirituous liquor |
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[ak]सुरामण्डः barm/yeast/scum or froth of beer |
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