[vk]अग्निः अग्निः; स्वनामप्रसिद्धः तेजोभेदः - Fire; Agni |
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देवता |
[ak]अग्निः fire/bile/gold/god of fire/number three/gastric fluid/sacrificial fire/digestive ... |
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देवता |
[ak]अश्विनीकुमारौ physician of heaven |
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देवता |
[ak]आग्नेयदिशः_स्वामी fire/team/horse/draught animal/particular fire/fire of digestion/mystical name o ... |
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देवता |
[vk]आजानजः स्वतोदेवाः - Deity by birth |
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देवता |
[vk]आदित्याः द्वादशादित्याः - Name of the twelve Ādityas |
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देवता |
[vk]आश्विनौ अश्विन्याः पुत्रौ स्वर्वैद्यौ - Dual; epithet of the two Aśvins |
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देवता |
[vk]इन्द्रः देवराजः - Name of a god |
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देवता |
[ak]इन्द्रः best/chief/night/first/prince/excellent/human soul/number fourteen/pupil of the ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]ईदृक् सप्तमरुद्गणेषु एकः गणः - One of the seven Marudgaṇas |
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देवता |
[ak]ईशानदिशः_स्वामी Siva/lord/rudra/master/owning/sharing/supreme/husband/a ruler/powerful/capable o ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]उत्तरदिशः_स्वामी slow/lazy/deformed/monstrous/kuvera in later Sanskrit/god of riches and treasure ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]ऐन्द्री सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[vk]कर्मदेवः कर्मभिः देवाः - Deity through actions |
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देवता |
[ak]कामदेवः bee/bird/passion/bees-wax/god of love/kind of embrace/kind of measure/season of ... |
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देवता |
[vk]कार्तिकेयः शिवपुत्रः - स्कन्दः - Epithet of Subrahmaṇya |
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देवता |
[ak]कार्तिकेयः |
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देवता |
[vk]कृष्णः विष्णोः कृष्णावतारः - Avatara of Visnu; as son of Vasudeva |
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देवता |
[vk]कौमारी सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[ak]गणदेवता sun/son of aditi/seventh lunar mansion/relating to the god of the sun/belonging ... |
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देवता |
[ak]गणेशः guide/buddha/leader/Remover/obstacle/removing/impediment/Guru or spiritual prece ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]गन्धर्वगणः गन्धर्वगणः इति गणदेवताः - Name of eleven classes of Gandharvas |
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देवता |
[ak]चर्ममुण्डा form of durgA |
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देवता |
[vk]जामदग्न्यः विष्णोः परशुरामावतारः - Epithet of Parasurāma |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]तुषिताः षट्त्रिंशत् देवतानां गणः - Name of a class of lower deities |
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देवता |
[ak]दक्षिणदिशः_स्वामी lord of the pitRs/pitRs and the prajApatis |
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देवता |
[vk]दाशरथिः विष्णोः रामावतारः - Incarnation of Viṣṇu as Rāma; Son of Dasaratha |
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देवता |
[vk]देवः यः सर्वैः स्तूयते; पूज्यते - Deity |
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देवता |
[ak]देवः god/God/play/king/dolt/fool/idol/child/sport/deity/sword/cloud/prince/lancer/div ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]देवता act/deed/magic/action/achievement/performance/enchantment/ill usage or treatment ... |
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देवता |
[vk]देवतागणः रुद्राद्याः गणदेवताः - Name applying to the Rudras; Vasus and other Gaṇadevata |
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देवता |
[ak]देवेष्वेकः dry/good/sweet/excellent/beneficent/ray of light/particular ray of light/symboli ... |
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देवता |
[vk]नरनारायणः विष्णोः नरनारायणावतारः - Avatara of Viṣṇu |
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देवता |
[vk]नारसिंही सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[vk]नृसिंहः हिरण्यकशिपुद्विषः - Man-lion incarnation of Viṣhṇu |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]नैरृत्यदिशः_स्वामी demon/south-western/child of nirRti/belonging to the rAkSasas/relating to the lu ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]पश्चिमदिशः_स्वामी God of water/god of the sea |
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देवता |
[ak]पार्वती kind of pepper/mountain stream/kind of fragrant earth/female cowherd or gopI/Red ... |
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देवता |
[vk]पार्वती शिवस्य पत्नी - Wife of Śiva |
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देवता |
[ak]पूर्वदिशः_स्वामी best/chief/night/first/prince/excellent/human soul/number fourteen/pupil of the ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]प्रजापतिः prayer/devotion/holy life/absolute of the universe/substrate of the universe |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]बलभद्रः strong/powerful/species of Kadamba/bovine animal [Bos Gavaeus - Zoo.]/lotus bark ... |
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देवता |
[vk]बलभद्रः विष्णोः बलरामावतारः - Epithet of Balarāma |
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देवता |
[vk]ब्राह्मी सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[vk]भास्वराः भास्वराः इति गणदेवताः - Name of a class of lower deities |
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देवता |
[vk]भ्राट् एकादशोदितेषु गन्धर्वगणेषु एकः - Name of one of the eleven classes of Gandharvas |
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देवता |
[vk]मन्मथः कामदेवः - God of love |
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देवता |
[vk]मरुद्गणाः मरुद्गणाः इति गणदेवताः - Name common to Idṛś and the other six classes of Maruts |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]माहेश्वरी सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[ak]यमः crow/twin/curb/rein/Pluto/fellow/bridle/driver/bad horse/restraint/twin-born/cha ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]यमः यमदेवः - God of death |
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देवता |
[vk]रुद्राः1 एकादशरुद्राः - Name of the eleven Rudras |
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देवता |
[ak]लक्ष्मी sign/mark/grace/charm/token/pearl/glory/wealth/beauty/lustre/riches/fortune/maje ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]लक्ष्मीः विष्णोः पत्नी - Wife of Viṣṇu |
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देवता |
[vk]लोकपालः पूर्वादिदिङ्नाथाः इन्द्राद्याश्शङ्कराष्टमाः - Name of the deity residing at the quareter of the compass |
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देवता |
[vk]वरुणः जलेशः - God of water; Varuṇa |
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देवता |
[ak]वरुणः God of water/god of the sea |
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देवता |
[vk]वरुणप्रिया वरुणस्य पत्नी - Varuṇa's wife |
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देवता |
[vk]वसवः अष्टवसवः - Name of the eight Vasus |
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देवता |
[vk]वामनः विष्णोः वामनावतारः - Dwarf; Incarnation of Viṣhṇu |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]वायव्यदिशः_स्वामी air/wind/gold/breath/beauty/god of the wind/storm-gods [pl.]/species of plant |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]वायुः gas/air/wind/tired/breath/greedy/maruts/languid/desirous/covetous/desirable/brea ... |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]वायुः स्पर्शगुणकः पञ्चभूतभेदः; उत्तरपश्चिमविदिशाधिपतिः - 2_सन्दर्भसूचि_reference |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[ak]वायुदेवः air/wind/gold/breath/beauty/god of the wind/storm-gods [pl.]/species of plant |
--[जातिः]--> |
देवता |
[vk]वाराही सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[vk]विघ्नेशः शिवपुत्रः यः गणानाम् ईशः - Śiva's elder son |
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देवता |
[vk]विश्वाः विश्वदेवाः - Name of the Viśvadēvas |
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देवता |
[vk]वैष्णवीः1 सप्तमातृषु एका - One of the seven mothers |
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देवता |
[ak]शक्तिदेवता pious usage/kind of brass/species of ant/wife of a Brahman/religious practice/fe ... |
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देवता |
[vk]साध्याः साध्यदेवताः - Name of the Sādhya deities |
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देवता |
[vk]स्वानः एकादशोदितेषु गन्धर्वगणेषु एकः - One of eleven classes of Gandharva |
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देवता |
Response Time: 0.0241 s.